Monday, May 13, 2013

Week #9 Water

It is recommended to plan 1 gallon of water per person per day for your 72 hour kits.  Obviously the needs are going to be a bit different based on the person (children, nursing mother, etc.) but this is the recommended goal.  Also if you packed food that need water for preparation.

When I originally read this a year ago I couldn't figure out why we would actually need to pack this much water for a short time when I know we can survive on less.   As I talked with a family member of a hurricane Katrina victim she informed me that chances are pretty good that each day will be spent working.  Moving trees, sandbags, whatever.. and we will need to stay hydrated especially if it is a summer month. 

There are a few options for water.

Preparedness Store & Emergency Essentials sell these water packets.  4.2 oz.  They are about $.35.  Probably the most compact water I have seen.  These are good for 5 years.
You can go with your traditional water bottles.  They should be rotated every year according to the expiration date.  This is what we have in our kits.  The are less compact, but cheaper.
We have some 5 gallon water jugs like this that I plan to grab if possible.  They have handle and a spigot.
We also have multiple water filters.  It would be good to have at least 1 water filter for your family.   These kind can be filled straight from the water source and need no other containers. 



 PLEASE get your water!  It would be a miserable 3 days if you don't have water for you and your family.  Even if you don't have food, you could survive with some water. 

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