Monday, January 7, 2013

Get Started!

What is the most important thing I can do regarding family home storage?

Get started! If you have already begun, faithfully continue your efforts. As Bishop H. David Burton taught: “This new program is within everyone’s grasp. The first step is to begin. The second is to continue. It doesn’t matter how fast we get there so much as that we begin and continue according to our abilities.”


  1. I have been working on my car kits and 72-hour kits, as well as a 72-hour kit for Pete to have out at work at the Site (there have been times the roads have been closed getting out there).

    It always seems a bit overwhelming, so I told myself that each time I go to the store (about once a week) that I should get just one item. I found a couple of lists I like and printed them off. I stuck the lists in my purse so that I have it with me every time I'm at the store. Slowly but surely, I'm getting things checked off of my lists.

    One of my New Year's resolutions is to have my car and 72-hour kits done this year. I started about April last year, so maybe I should give myself a deadline of having it done by General Conference this April.

    This last time I was out looking at things, I found some meals in a bag, like spaghetti, and chicken and rice. You just add boiling water, let it sit for 8 minutes or so, and then it should be ready to eat. They were about $6, and serve 2 people. I like them because you cook it right in the bag, plus they last for 6 or so years-store and ignore, right? The checkout lady told me they were pretty tasty, too.

    Here is the list I've been following for 72-hour kits:

    And here is the car kit one:

    I don't know if those links will work, but the website I've visited is

  2. Super information Nat! Thanks for taking the time to share!
