When I first thought about beginning my family food storage plan, I went online and found a food storage calculator to give me an idea of how much I needed to store. What?! I need to store how much!! As I read, I could see that for my family of 5 I will need to store 1196 lbs. of grains, 101 lbs. of fats, 228 lbs. of legumes, 238 lbs. of sugar, 299 lbs. of milk, all my cooking essentials (baking powder, baking soda, yeast, salt, and vinegar), and water! This was enough to send me running. How in the world would I possibly be able to store this much food? Not to mention the cost that would be involved!
It was too much for me. I had to put it all away for a few of days and really think about how I was going to make this happen. After a lot of thought, I came to realize that food storage is just like everything else in life. We have to take it one step at a time. The journey may be long, but every step you take will bring you closer to your goal. I now know that having a good storage of food is something that anyone can do!
So, now that I have this information how do I get started? Like I said, a little at a time. When you make food storage a priority in your life, you will be amazed at the blessings you will begin to see. Food storage can become a very simple thing by just taking a few simple steps. When you go to the store and you buy a can of beans, buy 3. Check your local weekly ads for items that are on sale. Make it a family goal to try not to eat out as often. That $30 you spend on fast food can buy a lot of food storage! Make food storage an important part of the monthly family budget. The most important thing is to DO SOMETHING!
If you are anything like me,you like to have a plan. It seems so much easier to me to have it broken down week by week. When I look at it like this, it seems a lot less overwhelming. We can help with that! Each month we would like to share with you some ideas of the things that you can buy that will help you build your food storage. It's that simple. Do a little each week, and by the end of the year you will be amazed at how far you have come!
We are taught in D&C 38:30, "If ye are prepared ye shall not fear." This is a powerful reminder to me that if I doing my best to prepare myself and my family, the Lord will in return greatly bless us. It brings peace to my heart to know that if events should arise, I have began to prepare for the needs of my family. I know that you can have that peace as well.
Now let's get started!
February Week #4
Solid vegetable shortening, oil, butter or margarine. Butter or margarine will store well in the freezer. These are items that you will need to use and rotate regularly as they will become rancid. Remeber that we are working toward our goal of 20 lbs. of fat per person. It is important that we also keep a bottle of olive oil on hand for consecrating.