It's hard to believe that March is already here! It brings a smile to my face as I love the sights and sounds of Spring. We begin to see the first buds on the trees. A few of the brave little flowers begin to pop their little heads out of the cold ground. We are greeted by the musical sounds of the birds as they chirp, "We're back! Welcome Spring!" Spring for me is a fresh start. A time to begin again. A time when changes are welcomed. So, to start our month off right we would like to share with you some ideas that will help you add to your food storage this month. There is a goal for each week of the month. As you are buying these items, try to watch for sales. Every penny saved is worth it! Remember, you can do this! Week by week, a little at a time!
"The Lord has warned us of famines, the righteous
will have listened to the prophet and stored at least a
year's supply of survival food." ~Ezra Taft Benson~
Spiritual Goal: Try to kneel in family prayer at least once a day. Twice is better. :)
Provident Living Goal: Learn a new skill or read a book pertaining to your career.
Storage Goal:
March Week #5
Eating rice makes us nice!!
Try to secure 10-20 lbs.
(We are working towards 100 lbs of
cereal grains per person recommended-
rice, oatmeal, cornmeal, etc.)
March Week #4
Spices and herbs you use most often:
salt, pepper, cinnamon, garlic powder,
chili powder, oregano, etc.
March Week #3
Mixes!! Cake, pancake, muffin, Bisquick, etc.
You can purchase these or make your own.
March Week #2
More Personal Products: Shaving supplies, floss,
toothbrushes and paste, mirror, comb, moist towelettes, etc.
Infant needs: formula, food, diapers, wipes, infant Tylenol
March Week #1
Juices: Try to avoid watered down products, get
100% lemon, orange, grape, pineapple, etc. 1- 10 lb.
can of powdered drink mix with vitamin C. Get what
your family likes. (Work towards 50 qts. per person)